No I am not about to put anyone down or encourage others to put a lid on it when in the process of bad mouthing (although it is a healthier idea). My trash talk actually involves the escapades of a real garbage can and its elusive lid and a perfect example of desire, energy flow and manifestation.
Picture this. A wild March day of snow squalls and heavy winds (~90 km/hr at times) reeking havoc throughout the city on no other than "garbage day". The garbage cans were sitting defenselessly at the end of the driveway fully exposed to the merciless winds. Homeowners were oblivious to the carnage that awaited them until they returned home from work or until they peered from their home windows lured by the sound of Mother Nature's fury.
Many an empty garbage can was ripped from their perch and blown across the street into other yards and snowbanks. To further add insult to injury, garbage can lids were separated from the containers and sent on a journey of their own.
Well you get the idea. Not really a major catastrophe in the big scheme of things and I wasn't too emotionally invested in the situation. I simply observed my garbage can lying on its side across the street in the parking lot of an apartment building. I proceeded to retrieve it and return it to its proper home. However the lid was nowhere in sight. Again, no major emotional breakdown except for a minor concern that I may have to buy a whole new garbage can. Why don't they just sell lids?
I digress, back to my story. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, thoughts are energy and therefore desires are energy and emotions are energy in motion. A desire and emotions create a momentum that when free from resistance (negative thoughts and feelings contrary to your desire) will eventually manifest in the material world. In this case my desire was to come across my garbage can lid. Emotionally I approached it playfully and did not take the missing lid too seriously. In fact, I soon forgot about it all together until a couple of days later when I was walking the dog to Bellevue Park. What did I witness stuck in the snowbank all by its lonesome - a garbage can lid. It made me laugh and I continued to be amused even when I could not free it from its frozen base. I thought to myself that I am on the right track in manifesting my desire and then I let that thought go.
A few days later, again walking the dog, I decided per usual to let him lead (Cesar Millan would not approve). As we walked up the street, one over from my street, I eyed a garbage can lid leaning against the snowbank at the end of a driveway. I glanced at the person's lid covered garbage cans that were visible in his carport and then quickly deduced that this lid was a stray. My desire had manifested. This was not only a stray but I recognized it to be the actual lid that had gone missing. How fun is that?
Coincidence you might say? I prefer synchronicity and I choose to have fun with it. We tend to take life too seriously sometimes. You try it. Start out with simple desires that you are not too invested in as to whether they happen or not and see how the Universe plays with you.
Stay positive and no Trash Talk.
Picture this. A wild March day of snow squalls and heavy winds (~90 km/hr at times) reeking havoc throughout the city on no other than "garbage day". The garbage cans were sitting defenselessly at the end of the driveway fully exposed to the merciless winds. Homeowners were oblivious to the carnage that awaited them until they returned home from work or until they peered from their home windows lured by the sound of Mother Nature's fury.
Many an empty garbage can was ripped from their perch and blown across the street into other yards and snowbanks. To further add insult to injury, garbage can lids were separated from the containers and sent on a journey of their own.
Well you get the idea. Not really a major catastrophe in the big scheme of things and I wasn't too emotionally invested in the situation. I simply observed my garbage can lying on its side across the street in the parking lot of an apartment building. I proceeded to retrieve it and return it to its proper home. However the lid was nowhere in sight. Again, no major emotional breakdown except for a minor concern that I may have to buy a whole new garbage can. Why don't they just sell lids?
I digress, back to my story. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, thoughts are energy and therefore desires are energy and emotions are energy in motion. A desire and emotions create a momentum that when free from resistance (negative thoughts and feelings contrary to your desire) will eventually manifest in the material world. In this case my desire was to come across my garbage can lid. Emotionally I approached it playfully and did not take the missing lid too seriously. In fact, I soon forgot about it all together until a couple of days later when I was walking the dog to Bellevue Park. What did I witness stuck in the snowbank all by its lonesome - a garbage can lid. It made me laugh and I continued to be amused even when I could not free it from its frozen base. I thought to myself that I am on the right track in manifesting my desire and then I let that thought go.
A few days later, again walking the dog, I decided per usual to let him lead (Cesar Millan would not approve). As we walked up the street, one over from my street, I eyed a garbage can lid leaning against the snowbank at the end of a driveway. I glanced at the person's lid covered garbage cans that were visible in his carport and then quickly deduced that this lid was a stray. My desire had manifested. This was not only a stray but I recognized it to be the actual lid that had gone missing. How fun is that?
Coincidence you might say? I prefer synchronicity and I choose to have fun with it. We tend to take life too seriously sometimes. You try it. Start out with simple desires that you are not too invested in as to whether they happen or not and see how the Universe plays with you.
Stay positive and no Trash Talk.