The magic diet pill is not going to transform you.
The piece of exercise equipment is not going to change your life.
The latest diet is not going to raise your level of popularity.
The anti-aging cream is not going to return your youth and vitality.
Thinking about what you want and expecting it to effortlessly appear is not "The Secret".
The person with the most toys but with no sense of Self does not win the race.
So how can you take back your power?
Take a step back, a deep breath in/out and look at yourself as a whole.
Are your recognizing how your Mind works or are you letting it blindly dictate your life?
Are you respecting and acknowledging your Body for the marvelous piece of engineering that it is or do you continually abuse it with neglect or disdain?
Are you freeing your Spirit so that the energy of joy and creativity is allowed to surface or do you surrender to monotony, hopelessness and a victim mentality?
Awareness of the connection between Mind-Body-Spirit is first step towards empowerment and moving in the direction of a fuller Life.
My Minnie Mightie book, Practical Wellness: Embracing Mind-Body-Spirit looks at this relationship and provides simple, practical ways to harmonize and strengthen it.
"My goal is to provide a simplified foundation or springboard that will empower others to custom design their well-being and in so doing be better equipped to embrace life with gusto." Wendy
The piece of exercise equipment is not going to change your life.
The latest diet is not going to raise your level of popularity.
The anti-aging cream is not going to return your youth and vitality.
Thinking about what you want and expecting it to effortlessly appear is not "The Secret".
The person with the most toys but with no sense of Self does not win the race.
So how can you take back your power?
Take a step back, a deep breath in/out and look at yourself as a whole.
Are your recognizing how your Mind works or are you letting it blindly dictate your life?
Are you respecting and acknowledging your Body for the marvelous piece of engineering that it is or do you continually abuse it with neglect or disdain?
Are you freeing your Spirit so that the energy of joy and creativity is allowed to surface or do you surrender to monotony, hopelessness and a victim mentality?
Awareness of the connection between Mind-Body-Spirit is first step towards empowerment and moving in the direction of a fuller Life.
My Minnie Mightie book, Practical Wellness: Embracing Mind-Body-Spirit looks at this relationship and provides simple, practical ways to harmonize and strengthen it.
"My goal is to provide a simplified foundation or springboard that will empower others to custom design their well-being and in so doing be better equipped to embrace life with gusto." Wendy