"Being R.E.A.L." is the pathway to practical wellness.
R - Relationships. Developing and nurturing a social network that involves real face-to-face connections is essential in helping to prolong life. Loneliness and isolation is lethal to the human heart.
E - Emotions. Emotions are our compass. They let us know what feels good or bad, what feels right or wrong, what feels to be the better choice or direction to pursue. Allowing emotions to be felt, accepted and released in a safe and healthy manner takes courage and the willingness to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable is being real and authentic and it encourages others to follow suit.
A - Attitude. Our stories, our beliefs and our thoughts shape the way we see things. We must strive to be open-minded, empathetic and willing to question our beliefs if we are not finding the peace and joy that we seek. A simple shift in attitude or perspective can be life changing.
L - Love of Self. We are spiritual beings having a human, physical experience. We are unique extensions of a loving, creative consciousness that is continually flowing, creating, expanding and experiencing itself through us and all that is. Our mind encourages the illusion of individuality which is essential for an unique experience, however we must not forget our interconnectedness with nature, the Universe and each other. Nature does not berate itself and neither should we. We must learn to see ourselves as co-creators with this loving consciousness and lovingly embrace and accept all aspects of ourselves as we continue to make choices and navigate life to the best of our ability and knowledge at the time.
It is by "Being R.E.A.L." that we are gifted with a wellness that encompasses a more liberating, joyful and more meaningful life experience and that enlightens our soul and feeds the ever expanding and changing energy of the Universe.
R - Relationships. Developing and nurturing a social network that involves real face-to-face connections is essential in helping to prolong life. Loneliness and isolation is lethal to the human heart.
E - Emotions. Emotions are our compass. They let us know what feels good or bad, what feels right or wrong, what feels to be the better choice or direction to pursue. Allowing emotions to be felt, accepted and released in a safe and healthy manner takes courage and the willingness to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable is being real and authentic and it encourages others to follow suit.
A - Attitude. Our stories, our beliefs and our thoughts shape the way we see things. We must strive to be open-minded, empathetic and willing to question our beliefs if we are not finding the peace and joy that we seek. A simple shift in attitude or perspective can be life changing.
L - Love of Self. We are spiritual beings having a human, physical experience. We are unique extensions of a loving, creative consciousness that is continually flowing, creating, expanding and experiencing itself through us and all that is. Our mind encourages the illusion of individuality which is essential for an unique experience, however we must not forget our interconnectedness with nature, the Universe and each other. Nature does not berate itself and neither should we. We must learn to see ourselves as co-creators with this loving consciousness and lovingly embrace and accept all aspects of ourselves as we continue to make choices and navigate life to the best of our ability and knowledge at the time.
It is by "Being R.E.A.L." that we are gifted with a wellness that encompasses a more liberating, joyful and more meaningful life experience and that enlightens our soul and feeds the ever expanding and changing energy of the Universe.