Guess what? We are not in charge of this world - Life is. A driving force that creates, directs and organizes the evolution of all that is. Call it Life Force Energy, Creator, Universe, Source Energy, a Loving Consciousness, God, no matter; it is the Boss. Fortunately for us, it seems to know what it is doing. Look at the order and continual expansion of the universe with more than 100 billion galaxies and counting. Look at nature on this planet - its beauty, its delicate balance and inter-connectivity. Look at our human body and the harmony, resiliency and display of ingenious engineering.
Why do we continue to strive to take over?
We have evolved into beings that can do more than just survive and multiply. We have been given the ability to create, to reason and to be self-aware. Yet despite of all of our potential, the majority of humans are sleepwalking through life fed by the bountiful feast of fear from a variety of outside sources. To doubt or question the mind and check in first with the heart is a practice frowned upon by the ego and ridiculed by society.
Life does not owe us anything; Life is here to grow us. We have the choice as to whether we trust the process and climb on board working in harmony with one another and nature or whether we go kicking and screaming, refusing to give up control. As for the earth, Mother Nature, Life itself, it will continue to move forward, expand, and evolve with or without us.
On that happy note, we need to remember that we are extensions of a creative, loving Source Energy and therefore possess that same powerful, creative energy within us. The human experience involving ego, free-will, emotions, duality, and amnesia as to our true spiritual connection, have created the perfect scenario to feel to the depths of our being, the two aspects of life - fear and love. As unique and creative individuals, we have the opportunity to re-discover who we really are and in so doing share our authenticity and gifts with Life as it continues to navigate its way through darkness towards light, expansion, beauty and love. As we share this personal uniqueness, creative gifts and accept our spiritual and eternal beingness, we can exhale and allow Life to flow through us. Challenges are a part of life - but trust that Life Energy is working through us. View the challenges that life presents as fertilizer to grow us and to further feed the continual expansion of the universe.
Why do we continue to strive to take over?
We have evolved into beings that can do more than just survive and multiply. We have been given the ability to create, to reason and to be self-aware. Yet despite of all of our potential, the majority of humans are sleepwalking through life fed by the bountiful feast of fear from a variety of outside sources. To doubt or question the mind and check in first with the heart is a practice frowned upon by the ego and ridiculed by society.
Life does not owe us anything; Life is here to grow us. We have the choice as to whether we trust the process and climb on board working in harmony with one another and nature or whether we go kicking and screaming, refusing to give up control. As for the earth, Mother Nature, Life itself, it will continue to move forward, expand, and evolve with or without us.
On that happy note, we need to remember that we are extensions of a creative, loving Source Energy and therefore possess that same powerful, creative energy within us. The human experience involving ego, free-will, emotions, duality, and amnesia as to our true spiritual connection, have created the perfect scenario to feel to the depths of our being, the two aspects of life - fear and love. As unique and creative individuals, we have the opportunity to re-discover who we really are and in so doing share our authenticity and gifts with Life as it continues to navigate its way through darkness towards light, expansion, beauty and love. As we share this personal uniqueness, creative gifts and accept our spiritual and eternal beingness, we can exhale and allow Life to flow through us. Challenges are a part of life - but trust that Life Energy is working through us. View the challenges that life presents as fertilizer to grow us and to further feed the continual expansion of the universe.