Life energy flows through everything and everybody. It is a loving, powerful, creative source that is continually expanding, evolving and re-balancing. Nature is a vibrant and awe inspiring display of Life's magnificence. Humans are a part of nature; a further extension of Life's creative design. Therefore like our perfect creator, we are perfect beings. If so, then why is this world seem so crazy, disconnected and fearful? That is where the human part of "human being" comes into play.
As humans we have the ability to be self-aware. Our ego/mind/brain is able to conceive a sense of separateness and uniqueness apart from other living and non-living forms around us. We are able to take on an identity of our own. A tree does not know itself to be a tree, however, a human is able to observe the qualities of that tree because the human ego sees the tree as separate to that of the human self. As a result, Life is able to experience itself in greater depth, through the eyes and perceptions of each human as they navigate their way in the world. Unlike nature, humans have the capacity to make choices that go beyond mere instinct and therefore able to be co-creators with Life.
So if we are products of a perfect Life energy force and Life flows through us, then why are we not as balanced, organized and peaceful as nature tends to be? Why does it feel like the world has run off the rails? Simply put; the "human" part of the equation is off balance with the "being" part. Society as a collective allows the ego to rule rather than have it serve as a conduit for Life to smoothly maneuver in a material world.
A dominate ego loves conflict, loves to be right/superior, and works from a place of fear; fear of not enough resources or not being good enough. On the other hand, our true essence or "being" is fueled by a Life force whose source is that of unconditional love, connection, compassion and peace. Does this mean that things are hopeless and our world is headed for disaster? It would seem so from the daily news feed that is continually reporting on traumatic weather conditions, tragic accidents, mass shootings, viral pandemics and economic upheavals. Or perhaps, the egotistical world and its illusions of fear are being energetically cracked open by a loving, invincible and eternal force far more intelligent, more powerful than the mere mind of a human can comprehend. Oftentimes it takes suffering to wake up an individual or global population headed down a road of destruction. Life gives us what we need to motivate us to make healthier, more conscious choices; choices that arise from our true being and not from our human ego.
We can't fix the world but we can take responsibility for ourselves. We can strive to re-connect with our true essence on a daily basis; be it through deep breathing, stillness, different forms of meditation, a walk in nature, music, the flow of creative energy, gazing upon a starry sky or full moon, interacting with the pure nature of animals, offering up compassion, unconditional love or forgiveness to another human being etc. When we realize that we are not our thoughts, our ego, our minds but something deeper, more peaceful, more perfect; then change will be felt personally and collectively. As beings we are perfect; as humans we are imperfect. The challenge is to partner with both aspects within ourselves and recognize when ego takes the lead. The ego thrives on fear, living in the past and worrying about the "what ifs" of the future. The "being" stems from love and is about the present moment and making conscious choices guided from an inner source of clarity, intuition and peace. We are able to live a fuller life when the "being" is in charge of awakened action to life experiences rather than allowing the "human" dimension to blindly follow the egotistical philosophy of this world for direction and validation.
It is a good thing if we recognize that the world is crazy because it means we are waking up to the ways of the world. As more and more people do the same, ego will take a step back and Life will flow through the human race more freely; more evolved, more expansive, more magnificent than ever.
As humans we have the ability to be self-aware. Our ego/mind/brain is able to conceive a sense of separateness and uniqueness apart from other living and non-living forms around us. We are able to take on an identity of our own. A tree does not know itself to be a tree, however, a human is able to observe the qualities of that tree because the human ego sees the tree as separate to that of the human self. As a result, Life is able to experience itself in greater depth, through the eyes and perceptions of each human as they navigate their way in the world. Unlike nature, humans have the capacity to make choices that go beyond mere instinct and therefore able to be co-creators with Life.
So if we are products of a perfect Life energy force and Life flows through us, then why are we not as balanced, organized and peaceful as nature tends to be? Why does it feel like the world has run off the rails? Simply put; the "human" part of the equation is off balance with the "being" part. Society as a collective allows the ego to rule rather than have it serve as a conduit for Life to smoothly maneuver in a material world.
A dominate ego loves conflict, loves to be right/superior, and works from a place of fear; fear of not enough resources or not being good enough. On the other hand, our true essence or "being" is fueled by a Life force whose source is that of unconditional love, connection, compassion and peace. Does this mean that things are hopeless and our world is headed for disaster? It would seem so from the daily news feed that is continually reporting on traumatic weather conditions, tragic accidents, mass shootings, viral pandemics and economic upheavals. Or perhaps, the egotistical world and its illusions of fear are being energetically cracked open by a loving, invincible and eternal force far more intelligent, more powerful than the mere mind of a human can comprehend. Oftentimes it takes suffering to wake up an individual or global population headed down a road of destruction. Life gives us what we need to motivate us to make healthier, more conscious choices; choices that arise from our true being and not from our human ego.
We can't fix the world but we can take responsibility for ourselves. We can strive to re-connect with our true essence on a daily basis; be it through deep breathing, stillness, different forms of meditation, a walk in nature, music, the flow of creative energy, gazing upon a starry sky or full moon, interacting with the pure nature of animals, offering up compassion, unconditional love or forgiveness to another human being etc. When we realize that we are not our thoughts, our ego, our minds but something deeper, more peaceful, more perfect; then change will be felt personally and collectively. As beings we are perfect; as humans we are imperfect. The challenge is to partner with both aspects within ourselves and recognize when ego takes the lead. The ego thrives on fear, living in the past and worrying about the "what ifs" of the future. The "being" stems from love and is about the present moment and making conscious choices guided from an inner source of clarity, intuition and peace. We are able to live a fuller life when the "being" is in charge of awakened action to life experiences rather than allowing the "human" dimension to blindly follow the egotistical philosophy of this world for direction and validation.
It is a good thing if we recognize that the world is crazy because it means we are waking up to the ways of the world. As more and more people do the same, ego will take a step back and Life will flow through the human race more freely; more evolved, more expansive, more magnificent than ever.