We are walking transmitters and receivers of energy. We enter a room and immediately pick up the energy of the space. We meet a person and before a word is spoken energy is sensed, a feeling is produced and an emotion arises. Thoughts come and go, cultivating emotions and bodily sensations depending upon the attention that we give them.
Emotions are our natural GPS. Oftentimes, we allow our minds to explain away that initial response that is felt and we proceed to stuff the emotion down or further fuel that energy. Emotions are energy- in-motion that need to be addressed and then allowed to move on and out. The emotion of fear becomes dis-ease if ignored and trapped in the body.
The secret to better health and a richer life experience is to be able to recognize the emotion when it arises and view it from a observer point of view. Label it, anger, fear, frustration, emptiness, shame etc. and feel it, breathe into it, sit with it, before taking action. We may not always understand what thought or situation triggered the emotion but by acknowledging and facing that emotion, it diffuses it, brings healing and allows it to energetically move on.
Jill Bolte Taylor’s book, A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey talks about the 90-second rule. Taylor describes the 90-second rule as, “Once triggered, the chemical released by my brain surges through my body and I have a physiological experience. Within 90 seconds from the initial trigger, the chemical component of my anger has completely dissipated from my blood and my automatic response is over. If, however, I remain angry after those 90 seconds have passed, then it is because I have chosen to let that circuit continue to run.”
The more we replay an old painful story or let the past dictate the present the stronger the cycle of mind ruling emotions becomes and the more difficult it is to disconnect and let go.
Emotions are essential to the human condition. We can intellectually learn about love from a book but until you have experienced the emotion of falling in love, losing a loved one or facing a broken relationship first hand, the true heart-felt essence and deep, cellular knowing of love is not fully realized and understood.
Emotions help us navigate life. They tell us what we like and don't like, what feels good and what doesn't and what is working and what is not working for us. Subsequently, we can take that information and make healthier choices for ourselves; choices that keep directing us back to a place of more peace and harmony as we continue along in this adventure called life.
Emotions can be painful at times. However, ignoring the natural GPS causes it to get louder and to manifest physically to make itself heard.
Without emotion, life would be colourless, meaningless and dull. Passion is what drives us forward and all the other emotions we meet along the way open us up to discover who we are, why we are here and how we can make an unique impact in this world.
Enjoy life and keep that GPS turned on!
Emotions are our natural GPS. Oftentimes, we allow our minds to explain away that initial response that is felt and we proceed to stuff the emotion down or further fuel that energy. Emotions are energy- in-motion that need to be addressed and then allowed to move on and out. The emotion of fear becomes dis-ease if ignored and trapped in the body.
The secret to better health and a richer life experience is to be able to recognize the emotion when it arises and view it from a observer point of view. Label it, anger, fear, frustration, emptiness, shame etc. and feel it, breathe into it, sit with it, before taking action. We may not always understand what thought or situation triggered the emotion but by acknowledging and facing that emotion, it diffuses it, brings healing and allows it to energetically move on.
Jill Bolte Taylor’s book, A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey talks about the 90-second rule. Taylor describes the 90-second rule as, “Once triggered, the chemical released by my brain surges through my body and I have a physiological experience. Within 90 seconds from the initial trigger, the chemical component of my anger has completely dissipated from my blood and my automatic response is over. If, however, I remain angry after those 90 seconds have passed, then it is because I have chosen to let that circuit continue to run.”
The more we replay an old painful story or let the past dictate the present the stronger the cycle of mind ruling emotions becomes and the more difficult it is to disconnect and let go.
Emotions are essential to the human condition. We can intellectually learn about love from a book but until you have experienced the emotion of falling in love, losing a loved one or facing a broken relationship first hand, the true heart-felt essence and deep, cellular knowing of love is not fully realized and understood.
Emotions help us navigate life. They tell us what we like and don't like, what feels good and what doesn't and what is working and what is not working for us. Subsequently, we can take that information and make healthier choices for ourselves; choices that keep directing us back to a place of more peace and harmony as we continue along in this adventure called life.
Emotions can be painful at times. However, ignoring the natural GPS causes it to get louder and to manifest physically to make itself heard.
Without emotion, life would be colourless, meaningless and dull. Passion is what drives us forward and all the other emotions we meet along the way open us up to discover who we are, why we are here and how we can make an unique impact in this world.
Enjoy life and keep that GPS turned on!