It is such a weird feeling to know that everyday is like a weekend. I am my own boss. My to do list is greatly reduced. I am not complaining but I am feeling very blessed and a little off balance. I am learning to just be and to be okay with that. I don't have to measure my self-worth by what I do. If I did that, I would be labelled in society's terms as an unemployed bum who is physically and mentally quite able to get out and work. I choose not to buy in to this definition, instead I am taking this time to go inward and focus on my inward resources to create my outward reality. This is not happening without a few trial and errors. Some days there is a few too many trips to the refrigerator or too much viewing of the daily talk shows or the lack of incentive to self-reflect. I have concluded that daily meditation is essential and the ability to re-connect with the outside world in some creative way is also required. I did just that last week, when I invited 3 lady friends all 50 plus years old, over for an afternoon of catching up. These friends had all taken Reiki courses and were very much into the quest for spiritual growth. The afternoon was filled with laughter and tears and ended with a commitment for all of us to read Warrior Goddess Training by Heatherash Amara. This may be what I need to assist me in focusing on my next creative endeavour.