We are all-knowing, all-powerful, spiritual beings all-created from the same divine loving universal source energy. Whatever you call that Source (God, Creator, Universal Life Force...), it is that same energy that runs through all of us and everything around us.
What better way to realize ourselves then by taking part in this adventure called Life on Earth. Earth provides a perfect playground to re-discover ourselves through experiential learning. There is no better way to unveil who we are than to experience who we are not. Earthly conditions provide a whole gamut of contrasts to feel and express the many dimensions of love. Hatred, jealousy, loneliness, sadness and fear are powerful emotions that offer opportunities for us to really feel, experience and choose what bests defines us. If we can allow ourselves to accept our flaws and our moments of humanness and observe them in a non-judgemental way, then we can objectively determine what works for us or what we want to change. No experience is "bad" or "good" in the big picture but only an awakening or a chance to choose again if we feel the experience does not best reflect our true essence of love, peace and joy. There is no prize at the end of this journey. The journey itself is the prize. Remember we are all-knowing, all-powerful spiritual beings in a human body so we have nothing to learn, just an opportunity to remember our true loving essence through the life we create on earth and our human responses to it.
Embrace our humanness with loving acceptance, curiosity and wonder for what may appear flawed or damaged serves as a catalyst for change, for moving on, for letting go and for re-discovering the spiritual eternal essence of who we really are. From there, unlimited life adventure begins along with an infinite number of possibilities.
What better way to realize ourselves then by taking part in this adventure called Life on Earth. Earth provides a perfect playground to re-discover ourselves through experiential learning. There is no better way to unveil who we are than to experience who we are not. Earthly conditions provide a whole gamut of contrasts to feel and express the many dimensions of love. Hatred, jealousy, loneliness, sadness and fear are powerful emotions that offer opportunities for us to really feel, experience and choose what bests defines us. If we can allow ourselves to accept our flaws and our moments of humanness and observe them in a non-judgemental way, then we can objectively determine what works for us or what we want to change. No experience is "bad" or "good" in the big picture but only an awakening or a chance to choose again if we feel the experience does not best reflect our true essence of love, peace and joy. There is no prize at the end of this journey. The journey itself is the prize. Remember we are all-knowing, all-powerful spiritual beings in a human body so we have nothing to learn, just an opportunity to remember our true loving essence through the life we create on earth and our human responses to it.
Embrace our humanness with loving acceptance, curiosity and wonder for what may appear flawed or damaged serves as a catalyst for change, for moving on, for letting go and for re-discovering the spiritual eternal essence of who we really are. From there, unlimited life adventure begins along with an infinite number of possibilities.