We are all going to face challenges this year no matter how "good" we try to live our lives. Maybe our part of the equation in the unfolding of a Happy New Year is practicing our ability to re-frame our approach and our attitude towards those sticky situations that come our way.
Consider the following as possibilities in that re-framing process....
Life is not about "good" or "bad" or "right" or "wrong" - that is very subjective. Life is about self-discovery through earthly experiences.
Therefore, this 2016, I wish everyone a year of adventure. An adventure that leads to a greater appreciation of Self, of each other and a greater clarity and commitment to what truly matters in Life.
Consider the following as possibilities in that re-framing process....
- Life is on our side, wanting us to succeed despite ourselves.
- Challenges aren't punishments but rather opportunities to nudge us out of the grips of ego and encourage us to re-connect with the our true identity - our heart centre.
- Being aware of our negative thoughts and the willingness to change to a more positive perspective is fuel to a more peaceful reality.
- Learning from the past, giving up the "what if's, shoulds, regrets" and dealing with what's happening in the moment builds strength and clarity for the road ahead.
- Emotional and physical pain is a great teacher of character if we choose to meet it head on and walk through it rather than mask or run from it.
- We have been given all the tools we need to successfully navigate life's experiences - just stop, breathe, ask/listen to the heart, be open to the signs and be willing to act.
- We create a lot of our own unnecessary suffering when we try to control life and resist its never ending rhythm of change. Letting go and going with the flow allows us freedom to create without the worry of outcomes. It will also prove to us time and time again that Life is working for our highest good.
Life is not about "good" or "bad" or "right" or "wrong" - that is very subjective. Life is about self-discovery through earthly experiences.
Therefore, this 2016, I wish everyone a year of adventure. An adventure that leads to a greater appreciation of Self, of each other and a greater clarity and commitment to what truly matters in Life.