This title may be hard to believe when "bad" things happen to you. But what if you change your perception of life and begin to believe that "life happens for you and not to you". What if those so called "bad" things were gifts that strength you, shake you up to be more real with yourself and others, teach you what really matters or help you to get to the true meaning of joy, compassion, love and a fulfilling life. How often have you heard people say, "my heart attack or my diagnosis of cancer was the best thing that happened to me because it taught me to appreciate and be grateful for life, to live in the now and not worry about the what if's".
We don't have to wait for a major challenge to come along to adopt this life philosophy. View each issue as an opportunity for growth - nothing occurs for nothing. When something appears in your life that triggers pain, frustration or anger, don't ask "Why me?". Instead ask "What can I learn from this experience - What is this trying to teach me?"
Constantly losing things - maybe you need to focus more on the moment and not be continually multitasking or thinking about other things
Body aches and pains may have an emotional component as well as a physical reason for manifesting.
Lower back pain- do you fear lack of financial support
Loss of balance - do you have scattered thinking, not centered
Bladder problems- is there anxiety, holding on to old ideas, fear of
letting go, are you holding onto anger
Breast problems- a refusal to nourish self, putting everyone else first
Breathing problems- fear or refusal to take in life fully
Leg problems- fear of the future, not wanting to move forward
For a more extensive list check out Louise L. Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life.
I like Mike Dooley's expression concerning life's challenges, he says "set backs are only set ups for something better".
So the next time, and believe me life is all about next times, you are triggered emotionally by an event - stop, breathe and ask "what is life trying to teach me?". Is the lesson about trust, patience, gratitude, true happiness, self-love etc..
Life gently taps us on the shoulder to get our attention but if we continue to ignore its loving gestures, those gestures get louder and louder until they can no longer be ignored. But no matter how in your face Life gets remember it is always on your side.
We don't have to wait for a major challenge to come along to adopt this life philosophy. View each issue as an opportunity for growth - nothing occurs for nothing. When something appears in your life that triggers pain, frustration or anger, don't ask "Why me?". Instead ask "What can I learn from this experience - What is this trying to teach me?"
Constantly losing things - maybe you need to focus more on the moment and not be continually multitasking or thinking about other things
Body aches and pains may have an emotional component as well as a physical reason for manifesting.
Lower back pain- do you fear lack of financial support
Loss of balance - do you have scattered thinking, not centered
Bladder problems- is there anxiety, holding on to old ideas, fear of
letting go, are you holding onto anger
Breast problems- a refusal to nourish self, putting everyone else first
Breathing problems- fear or refusal to take in life fully
Leg problems- fear of the future, not wanting to move forward
For a more extensive list check out Louise L. Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life.
I like Mike Dooley's expression concerning life's challenges, he says "set backs are only set ups for something better".
So the next time, and believe me life is all about next times, you are triggered emotionally by an event - stop, breathe and ask "what is life trying to teach me?". Is the lesson about trust, patience, gratitude, true happiness, self-love etc..
Life gently taps us on the shoulder to get our attention but if we continue to ignore its loving gestures, those gestures get louder and louder until they can no longer be ignored. But no matter how in your face Life gets remember it is always on your side.