The word "retiring", should be retired from a person's vocabulary and replaced with "rewiring". My rewiring began at 57 when I choice to leave the 9 to 5 workforce to enjoy the last third of my life as my own boss. I was never heavily invested in a career or rising up the corporate ladder. Whatever position I took, had to meet the following criteria:
- Worked with my family's schedule
- The job had to have a continual learning curve
- Was located close to home so walking was an option and having one car was never an issue
- I would not be micromanaged and there was room for personal input
- The organization was customer oriented and not all about the bottom dollar
- An opportunity to empower and not enable others was the main vision
Looking back I accomplished that and was able to help with the family expenses as well. At 57, my kids were grown, financially independent; and my husband had only a couple of years until his "rewiring". I jumped ship. I know everyone's situation and goals are different but I looked at my situation. Sure, the house (1912 vintage) is small and a little dated but it is paid for. I can live with my 90's colour scheme and painting techniques (sponge painting will come back). Unfortunately, home renovations are not one of my talents or desires. My perks of being more available to family, friends and myself are my priorities.
My strongest fascination now, as I age, relates to the "big picture" and how we as humans fit in. My human brain will never fully figure out that question but I am open to exploring and rewiring and learning more about myself, through new experiences. My desire is to write about my aging escapades and hopefully inspire others to head their own expedition of self-discovery.