It is something we all face eventually yet we choose to ignore it. That something is Death. Our Western Christian culture which is rooted in a afterlife theology is very much death-phobic. There have been many books written about near death experiences but one of the more well known psychiatrist and author of the subject is Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Her first book on Death and Dying was inspired by her work with terminally ill patients. She describes the 5 stages of grieving experienced by the those dying or those left behind - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. She went on to inspire the hospice movement and to focus more on near-death studies.
Her research was scientific and rigorous but blended with a spiritual aspect as well. She was criticized by the medical community who believed that medicine was all about living and not about dying.
From her studies, she concluded that dying is just as natural as being born. She compared the death process to that of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. As soon as the cocoon or our body is in irreparable condition, it releases the butterfly or our soul. The cocoon/body is no longer functioning - no breath, pulse or brain waves. You no longer have any physical energy, however your soul is supplied with psychic energy and you are able to perceive everything that is happening at the place of dying, be it the accident site, on the surgical table, the hospital room etc. You are able to take in what everyone is saying, doing or thinking. You are whole again. For example, if you were blind or unable to walk in your physical life, you are now able to see and move freely during this stage. Dr. Ross had blind people in the study that had no light perception for the last 10 years and had out-of-body experiences. They came back and were able to describe in detail what colours and patterns made up clothing or the type of jewellery worn by individuals surrounding them at the time of their near death experience.
Not everything can be explained by science. She goes on to state other factors that are universal at the time of death:
-Nobody dies alone - loved ones that have died before you and mean the most to you appear in order to make the transition easier. They will appear as you remember them. Your child that died before you will still appear to you as a child.
-At the moment of death, space and time as we know it on earth no longer exists. One minute on the other side could equal one hundred years of earth time. Whatever or whoever you want to go to, you do in a split second by merely thinking about it.
-Dying patients have short out of body trips where they become aware of the celestial support available to assist them as they prepare for the transition.
-Everyone has a guardian angel that is always with you for guidance and support.
-There is a symbolic transition such as passing through a tunnel, going through a gate or over a bridge or mountain pass where you are met by a Heaven based on your belief system. At the end of the this passage is a bright light and a feeling of indescribable unconditional love, a source of pure spiritual energy or cosmic consciousness. If a person is having NDE (near death experience) s/he is only allowed to see the light for a short time and then returns. When you really die, the connection between the body (cocoon) and the soul, which is compared to an umbilical cord is severed and you are not able nor do you want to return to your earthly body.
-Once the cord is cut, you are filled with the knowledge of all your thoughts, words, deeds and the consequences they created on earth. You will now understand why things happened the way they did and how your free-will played a part. This review takes place in a total realm of love with no negativity or judgement. You just become aware of your true potential and what you could of lived like.
-Life after death is an existence without pain or anguish and it provides the ability to thrive and learn in an environment of only love.
We have only 2 natural fears in life - one of falling and the other of loud noises. All other fears have be projected onto us from generation to generation. Death being one of them. Maybe the sense that we cannot control or predict our death creates anxiety around the subject. If only we can come to realize that death is simply another from of living that is well orchestrated by a loving Source and facilitated by spiritual guides and predeceased loved ones.
A person knows s/he is dying through the natural knowledge of the soul. With today's medicine, there is no one need to suffer during the dying process. It is a chance for the dying person and the family to reconcile outstanding issues, voice regrets, reminisce, express wishes or any other earthly housekeeping items before departing. This is beneficial for both the departing soul and for those left behind to grieve.
The more you acknowledge death and the knowledge that unconditional love is the ultimate beginning and end, the more you can live and love more freely now.
Those who learned to know death, rather than to fear and fight it, become our teachers about life.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
For those who seek to understand it, death is a highly creative force. The highest spiritual values of life can originate from the thought and study of death.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Her research was scientific and rigorous but blended with a spiritual aspect as well. She was criticized by the medical community who believed that medicine was all about living and not about dying.
From her studies, she concluded that dying is just as natural as being born. She compared the death process to that of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. As soon as the cocoon or our body is in irreparable condition, it releases the butterfly or our soul. The cocoon/body is no longer functioning - no breath, pulse or brain waves. You no longer have any physical energy, however your soul is supplied with psychic energy and you are able to perceive everything that is happening at the place of dying, be it the accident site, on the surgical table, the hospital room etc. You are able to take in what everyone is saying, doing or thinking. You are whole again. For example, if you were blind or unable to walk in your physical life, you are now able to see and move freely during this stage. Dr. Ross had blind people in the study that had no light perception for the last 10 years and had out-of-body experiences. They came back and were able to describe in detail what colours and patterns made up clothing or the type of jewellery worn by individuals surrounding them at the time of their near death experience.
Not everything can be explained by science. She goes on to state other factors that are universal at the time of death:
-Nobody dies alone - loved ones that have died before you and mean the most to you appear in order to make the transition easier. They will appear as you remember them. Your child that died before you will still appear to you as a child.
-At the moment of death, space and time as we know it on earth no longer exists. One minute on the other side could equal one hundred years of earth time. Whatever or whoever you want to go to, you do in a split second by merely thinking about it.
-Dying patients have short out of body trips where they become aware of the celestial support available to assist them as they prepare for the transition.
-Everyone has a guardian angel that is always with you for guidance and support.
-There is a symbolic transition such as passing through a tunnel, going through a gate or over a bridge or mountain pass where you are met by a Heaven based on your belief system. At the end of the this passage is a bright light and a feeling of indescribable unconditional love, a source of pure spiritual energy or cosmic consciousness. If a person is having NDE (near death experience) s/he is only allowed to see the light for a short time and then returns. When you really die, the connection between the body (cocoon) and the soul, which is compared to an umbilical cord is severed and you are not able nor do you want to return to your earthly body.
-Once the cord is cut, you are filled with the knowledge of all your thoughts, words, deeds and the consequences they created on earth. You will now understand why things happened the way they did and how your free-will played a part. This review takes place in a total realm of love with no negativity or judgement. You just become aware of your true potential and what you could of lived like.
-Life after death is an existence without pain or anguish and it provides the ability to thrive and learn in an environment of only love.
We have only 2 natural fears in life - one of falling and the other of loud noises. All other fears have be projected onto us from generation to generation. Death being one of them. Maybe the sense that we cannot control or predict our death creates anxiety around the subject. If only we can come to realize that death is simply another from of living that is well orchestrated by a loving Source and facilitated by spiritual guides and predeceased loved ones.
A person knows s/he is dying through the natural knowledge of the soul. With today's medicine, there is no one need to suffer during the dying process. It is a chance for the dying person and the family to reconcile outstanding issues, voice regrets, reminisce, express wishes or any other earthly housekeeping items before departing. This is beneficial for both the departing soul and for those left behind to grieve.
The more you acknowledge death and the knowledge that unconditional love is the ultimate beginning and end, the more you can live and love more freely now.
Those who learned to know death, rather than to fear and fight it, become our teachers about life.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
For those who seek to understand it, death is a highly creative force. The highest spiritual values of life can originate from the thought and study of death.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross