I didn't plan on posting a blog today, but something happened to me today that was worth relating. It was proof that "The Force is with Me" even in the little things of life. Sure there is evidence of a powerful Life Force when you think about the cosmos, its size and how everything is precisely arranged and functions in an orderly fashion. But what about on a smaller scale? How does this loving creative energy flow show up in our day to day lives? Is a task ever too small for its intervention? Apparently not because today's intervention or synchronicity was a good example of a Loving Force at work in a small and practical way.
Here is how things went down. I was in the process of addressing an envelope that contained information that needed to get to its destination by the end of the week. I was in the Canada Post section of Canadian Tire. As I was addressing the envelope, I noticed blood marks were appearing as I wrote the address (hopefully you are not too squeamish). I realized that that a previous cut on my middle finger was being aggravated from the pressure of writing. What was suppose to be a typical written address on a letter sized enveloped turned into possible evidence of a murder's bloody note. What to do? Needless to say I grabbed another envelope from the rack and proceeded to do an inventory of possible solutions in my head. Wrap a strip of paper around my finger while I write or ask the postal employee for some scotch tape? While contemplating both suggestions, I happened to glance down at the isle between the postal kiosk and the Canadian Tire checkout counter. Low and behold there was one lonely band-aid still in its wrapper lying on the ground. How long had it been there? Who conveniently dropped it? No matter, my solution had arrived. I don't know if the 5 second rule applies to band-aids but I didn't care. I grabbed it, used it and completed my task with ease. I secretly thanked the force to be for the timely intervention because I was very grateful and amused.
So that was my fun experience today that I just had to share. Have your own fun by asking for help when you need it with small or big issues, it doesn't matter. Pay attention to what shows up and act on it because "The Force is with you too".
Here is how things went down. I was in the process of addressing an envelope that contained information that needed to get to its destination by the end of the week. I was in the Canada Post section of Canadian Tire. As I was addressing the envelope, I noticed blood marks were appearing as I wrote the address (hopefully you are not too squeamish). I realized that that a previous cut on my middle finger was being aggravated from the pressure of writing. What was suppose to be a typical written address on a letter sized enveloped turned into possible evidence of a murder's bloody note. What to do? Needless to say I grabbed another envelope from the rack and proceeded to do an inventory of possible solutions in my head. Wrap a strip of paper around my finger while I write or ask the postal employee for some scotch tape? While contemplating both suggestions, I happened to glance down at the isle between the postal kiosk and the Canadian Tire checkout counter. Low and behold there was one lonely band-aid still in its wrapper lying on the ground. How long had it been there? Who conveniently dropped it? No matter, my solution had arrived. I don't know if the 5 second rule applies to band-aids but I didn't care. I grabbed it, used it and completed my task with ease. I secretly thanked the force to be for the timely intervention because I was very grateful and amused.
So that was my fun experience today that I just had to share. Have your own fun by asking for help when you need it with small or big issues, it doesn't matter. Pay attention to what shows up and act on it because "The Force is with you too".