There is a beginning or a source energy from which all was created. We can call that source God, Life, Source, Prana or any other name that feels appropriate to you, it doesn’t matter. This Source/God is everything - total love and harmony. The many examples of earthly beauty, creativity and natural flow are evidence of this loving energy. It is out of a desire or drive to create and experience all aspects of itself that the universe was born. We are an important part of this creation process. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, we are not new energy sources created by Source/God but extensions of its thought energy transformed into material form.
Life is like the ultimate video game. Source/God has created the setting, the materials and the parameters that we work with. We enter the game forgetting our divine nature – forgetting that we are spiritual beings in a human body. We are given a mind and an ego that gives us a separate identity to help us navigate the earthly plane but it comes with a warning. Too much importance on ego can convinces us that we are disconnected from one another, in competition for resources and that Source/God is separate from us and demands our obedience. The challenges of this game are not only our amnesia to our spiritual nature or the balancing of ego but the beliefs we develop as a result of our earthly interactions.
The beliefs about judgement, condemnation, insufficiency, failure, need, conditionality and disunity. These are the illusions of life that need to be turned around in order to advance to the higher levels in this game or else we risk being stuck at a level where the idea that violence, killing and wars are believed to be essential to move forward.
Free-will and our controller allows us to choose how we want this game to play out and to discover what works and what doesn’t work for us. It permits us to decide how we want to define ourselves. The speed at which we conquer the levels of true self-awareness is up to us. Do we want to head in the direction that uncovers our true essence of love, joy, peace, compassion or do we want to follow ego and its “you against the world” philosophy.
There have been some real masters of this game – Jesus, Buddha, Hilarion, Isis, Ganesh, Shiva, Krishna, Quan Yin to name a few. These Ascended Masters were beings of light who like us became physical beings on earth. Through their lives on earth they focused on raising their vibration, awareness and consciousness. They obtained mastery over themselves and the elements of time and space.
Rising up the different levels of this game of Life does not mean you have to be dull. It is about realizing that love is all there is. It is about living from a place of love and not fear. This video game may have a variety of dark and light scenarios at times but ultimately, the Creator of the hardware and the software is total Love and therefore nothing or nobody is lost, discarded or deemed senseless despite the direction taken by its participants. All paths or situations eventually lead back to that place of love.
So my advice to fellow gamers is to dive in, strategize with thoughts, words, actions from a place of love, and have fun. Life’s challenges are merely tools to further awaken you and not even death is something to fear – but that is another game of its own to be discussed in a later blog.
Life is like the ultimate video game. Source/God has created the setting, the materials and the parameters that we work with. We enter the game forgetting our divine nature – forgetting that we are spiritual beings in a human body. We are given a mind and an ego that gives us a separate identity to help us navigate the earthly plane but it comes with a warning. Too much importance on ego can convinces us that we are disconnected from one another, in competition for resources and that Source/God is separate from us and demands our obedience. The challenges of this game are not only our amnesia to our spiritual nature or the balancing of ego but the beliefs we develop as a result of our earthly interactions.
The beliefs about judgement, condemnation, insufficiency, failure, need, conditionality and disunity. These are the illusions of life that need to be turned around in order to advance to the higher levels in this game or else we risk being stuck at a level where the idea that violence, killing and wars are believed to be essential to move forward.
Free-will and our controller allows us to choose how we want this game to play out and to discover what works and what doesn’t work for us. It permits us to decide how we want to define ourselves. The speed at which we conquer the levels of true self-awareness is up to us. Do we want to head in the direction that uncovers our true essence of love, joy, peace, compassion or do we want to follow ego and its “you against the world” philosophy.
There have been some real masters of this game – Jesus, Buddha, Hilarion, Isis, Ganesh, Shiva, Krishna, Quan Yin to name a few. These Ascended Masters were beings of light who like us became physical beings on earth. Through their lives on earth they focused on raising their vibration, awareness and consciousness. They obtained mastery over themselves and the elements of time and space.
Rising up the different levels of this game of Life does not mean you have to be dull. It is about realizing that love is all there is. It is about living from a place of love and not fear. This video game may have a variety of dark and light scenarios at times but ultimately, the Creator of the hardware and the software is total Love and therefore nothing or nobody is lost, discarded or deemed senseless despite the direction taken by its participants. All paths or situations eventually lead back to that place of love.
So my advice to fellow gamers is to dive in, strategize with thoughts, words, actions from a place of love, and have fun. Life’s challenges are merely tools to further awaken you and not even death is something to fear – but that is another game of its own to be discussed in a later blog.