Last night I took in part 1 of a webinar on angels. It was a partnership between Mike Dooley and Lorna Byrne. Lorna has physically seen and communicated with angels since she was young child and continues to do so as an adult. I have read 3 of her books Angels in My Hair, Love from Heaven, and A Message of Hope. Lorna reminds us that there is an angelic realm that surrounds us, loves us unconditionally, sees us as brave, perfect souls and is waiting to be called upon for service. I speak more about angels in my favourite topic called Angels on Call: Getting Some Outside Help.
Last night's topic dealt with the subject of Guardian Angels. Lorna stressed the following:
Last night's topic dealt with the subject of Guardian Angels. Lorna stressed the following:
- we are all assigned a Guardian Angel before we transition into this world
- that Angel never leaves our side during our time on earth
- this androgynous creature does not interfere with our free-will but gently and lovingly offers guidance
- Guardian Angels have never had an earthly experience and they are not relatives or friends that have passed on
- Majority of the time, they quietly communicate through our intuitive mind
Try getting acquainted with your Guardian Angel today. Ask for their help or a sign of its presence and then be mindful and present to feel hear or see what happens in the day ahead. Angels signs for me take the form of my frequent viewing of 444 (check out Doreen Virtue's numerology), stray feathers, coins, gently nudges to do something or unexplained synchronicities. Next week's topic with Lorna and Mike is on other types of angels and how they can be of service. One last thing - all angels have a sense of humour. Sometimes when I am walking the dog, I ask the angels for a visual sign of their presence, just for fun. They can be very creative as well as humourous. One day, I had asked for a sign during my daily walk around the neighbourhood. I was on alert to anything unusual as I strolled along. Low and behold, I came across one lonely piece of popcorn on the sidewalk. To me that registered as a humourous sign because at that time I was into my popcorn eating phase and I had eaten a bowl that day. So whether you belief in this loving celestial help be open-minded enough to test it out - you have nothing to lose and a powerful ally to gain.