Mike Dooley's final segment with Lorna Byrne opened up with some general but uplifting comments about life:
-Life is a gift and we are here to experience the joy of life
-We are the eyes and ears of the Divine
-Life is an awesome adventure - we decide what happens next
-Enjoy the simple things of life
-Give up wanting what someone else has
-Enjoy whatever happens today - laugh & smile
-We are here to live life to the fullest - it is not about being a big test
-Live in the moment - don't waste time worrying about the future or fretting about the past - the only thing you have control over is this moment
-We tend to remember the good more than the bad parts when you look back
-There is no such thing as good or bad - unless we make it so - nothing can make us any less than who we are - spiritual beings having a human experience
-The Universe works in our favour - we just have to get out of the way and not be so attached to outcomes
-"set backs are only setups for something better" Mike said and I agree - life's challenges are opportunities for strength, to better prepare us for an even more meaningful and joyful life
-Only the human body dies but our spirit and those of our loved ones live on - we miss their physical presence but spiritually they are near and will welcome you when it is time for your return home
Lorna went on to talk about the Angel of Hope, Romantic Angels and the Earth Angel Jimazen.
Angel of Hope:
-one angel with other angels helping
-purpose is to encourage people to see hope in their lives
-call upon him during times of struggle
-Lorna sees the angel as being enormous, the height of a mature tree, like a massive flame with a faint human appearance that is masculine and a beautiful dazzling emerald colour holding a torch similar to the Olympic torch
-has an expression of love and encouragement, constantly moving, looking back and beckoning to the person instilling hope and courage to keep going despite the challenge ex. financial stress, sickness, depression, heartbreak, death of a loved one, a feeling of helplessness etc.
-not restricted by time and space so can be omnipresent
-a person may receive a thought, feeling or vision of hope ex. a picture of his or her family in the mind's eye to stir up courage to go on
-Lorna has more examples of the workings of the Angel of Hope in her book Message of Hope from the Angels.
Romantic Angels:
-Lorna stated that there are quite a number of these angels
-they tend to carry a golden string of light
-can be seen binding people together that are romantically involved
-ask these angels for help when it comes to issues of the heart
-don't be stuck on this idea of "soul mates" and miss out on an opportunity for a loving relationship - soul mates do not always involve a romantic relationship
-romantic love whether long or short-lived has a powerful impact
-call on the romantic angels to guide your heart and to keep it open to growth and new experiences or to deepen the love experienced in your current relationship
Earth Angel Jimazen:
Lorna said that she was terrified of this angel when she first saw it as a child.
-he appears in gold and red protective army with a tinge of black and he carries a stake that he touches the earth with
-his purpose is to look after the earth but still respect the free-will of the human inhabitants
-we have not been doing a very good job of protecting the earth
-Angel Jimazen is trying to calm the earth but says we are the cause of climate change, pollution and taking the earth and its resources for granted
-extreme weather is a sign of the earth trying to heal itself and re-balance
-if we refuse to see the signs that he tries to show us and to co-operate, then he is powerless to override our mistakes
-respect and extend gratitude to the earth, reduce waste, speak to our government, voice environmental concerns, walk the talk, conserve and perserve
The talk ended with a reminder that the angels are here to help us to enjoy life to the fullest. They admire us and our souls (something they do not have) and want to celebrate with us, cheer us up and guide us. Your guardian angel is always with you and there are millions of other angels waiting to be called upon. Don't worry about angel names or specific duties just voice your request and the perfect celestial candidate will be at your service.
-Life is a gift and we are here to experience the joy of life
-We are the eyes and ears of the Divine
-Life is an awesome adventure - we decide what happens next
-Enjoy the simple things of life
-Give up wanting what someone else has
-Enjoy whatever happens today - laugh & smile
-We are here to live life to the fullest - it is not about being a big test
-Live in the moment - don't waste time worrying about the future or fretting about the past - the only thing you have control over is this moment
-We tend to remember the good more than the bad parts when you look back
-There is no such thing as good or bad - unless we make it so - nothing can make us any less than who we are - spiritual beings having a human experience
-The Universe works in our favour - we just have to get out of the way and not be so attached to outcomes
-"set backs are only setups for something better" Mike said and I agree - life's challenges are opportunities for strength, to better prepare us for an even more meaningful and joyful life
-Only the human body dies but our spirit and those of our loved ones live on - we miss their physical presence but spiritually they are near and will welcome you when it is time for your return home
Lorna went on to talk about the Angel of Hope, Romantic Angels and the Earth Angel Jimazen.
Angel of Hope:
-one angel with other angels helping
-purpose is to encourage people to see hope in their lives
-call upon him during times of struggle
-Lorna sees the angel as being enormous, the height of a mature tree, like a massive flame with a faint human appearance that is masculine and a beautiful dazzling emerald colour holding a torch similar to the Olympic torch
-has an expression of love and encouragement, constantly moving, looking back and beckoning to the person instilling hope and courage to keep going despite the challenge ex. financial stress, sickness, depression, heartbreak, death of a loved one, a feeling of helplessness etc.
-not restricted by time and space so can be omnipresent
-a person may receive a thought, feeling or vision of hope ex. a picture of his or her family in the mind's eye to stir up courage to go on
-Lorna has more examples of the workings of the Angel of Hope in her book Message of Hope from the Angels.
Romantic Angels:
-Lorna stated that there are quite a number of these angels
-they tend to carry a golden string of light
-can be seen binding people together that are romantically involved
-ask these angels for help when it comes to issues of the heart
-don't be stuck on this idea of "soul mates" and miss out on an opportunity for a loving relationship - soul mates do not always involve a romantic relationship
-romantic love whether long or short-lived has a powerful impact
-call on the romantic angels to guide your heart and to keep it open to growth and new experiences or to deepen the love experienced in your current relationship
Earth Angel Jimazen:
Lorna said that she was terrified of this angel when she first saw it as a child.
-he appears in gold and red protective army with a tinge of black and he carries a stake that he touches the earth with
-his purpose is to look after the earth but still respect the free-will of the human inhabitants
-we have not been doing a very good job of protecting the earth
-Angel Jimazen is trying to calm the earth but says we are the cause of climate change, pollution and taking the earth and its resources for granted
-extreme weather is a sign of the earth trying to heal itself and re-balance
-if we refuse to see the signs that he tries to show us and to co-operate, then he is powerless to override our mistakes
-respect and extend gratitude to the earth, reduce waste, speak to our government, voice environmental concerns, walk the talk, conserve and perserve
The talk ended with a reminder that the angels are here to help us to enjoy life to the fullest. They admire us and our souls (something they do not have) and want to celebrate with us, cheer us up and guide us. Your guardian angel is always with you and there are millions of other angels waiting to be called upon. Don't worry about angel names or specific duties just voice your request and the perfect celestial candidate will be at your service.